Victory in Jesus! My Savior forever, He sought me and bought me with His redeeming blood! There were a lot of Victories this weekend. Mainly the victory was Jesus redeeming us to have abundant life. There were 5 services at our church, 16 baptisms,300 people participated in the Gethsemane project, and The Big Give. For this weekend, our church took all of the offerings given from the last 5 services and called it the Big Give because the church is giving all of the money brought in this weekend and giving it away for missional purposes none of the money will go for the church's daily needs and now there was $87,000 given. So to God be the glory, great things He has done.
Our family had little victories too. Molly rode her bike without training wheels, Rook won his football game, he pulled his first molar tooth, Kris spoke 5 times, and I wrestled with our kids and their friends in the pews for multiple services. Whew it has been a busy weekend. Jeremiah 9:24 says, "Let the wise man boast about this; that he understands and knows Me. that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth for in these I delight."
our tye dyed eggs Molly said ,"Rook! It's time to die (dye)" |
Easter duds, Molly's dress had rick rack and ruffles on an eyelet |
Cha Cha bought Molly kitten heels |
Sammy and Molly played fetch |
Ben has a zip line |
Big Bird, Sharon my sister in love, Cha Cha lunch at my brother's house |
egg hunt! |
the spectators for the hunt |
confetti eggs! |
Sharon and her sweet mother Martha |
played at the park afterwards, Ben pushed Molly in the swing |