Sunday, August 7, 2011

Me with Rae in a taxi

Derek our fearless leader, he is doing a brilliant job

Veronica loves diet coke with ice, rare around here

David and Sandra Reading from the Isle of Wight, came and encouraged

Pastor Andrew at Highbury Baptist, please pray for their congregation

Visiting IMB missionaries, here for a ministry to the Jews conference

Digestive Biscuit cookies served after church

After Church tea every Sunday

Sweet Carrie, the pastor's daughter, 3 years and the only child in church

From the former church...try to is funny!

Once a month, they fellowship with lunch, kindly offered for us to join, we did!

Banaoffe Pie!  Toffee and Bananas with a biscuit crust...Gina already made me one

Had The Lord's Supper with their Congregation

A Snail...Escargot?

Derek was bigger than this car!

There was a crowded subway due to the football game, Julie our hairdresser says that Kris looks like this player from Manchester

Bomb proof subway doors under Westminster Station


Taxi sign

Statue of Churchill, constant protesters

Westminster, we went to a service...I cried it was so beautiful!

kneeling cushion at Westminster

Big Ben!  It is the bell's name not the building, each letter is 2 feet tall

The River Thames...Parliament

The London Eye...hope to ride Friday!


Jordan, illustrating the it

King Richard the Lion Hearted

A door
Here are some more pics from our first 2 days here in London.  We have met with Highbury Baptist and hope to begin a lasting partnership with them.  It was so encouraging to fellowship and have the Lord's supper with them.  I am thankful for their hospitality.  We have been prayer walking throughout the city and placing our Spiritual Armor on...I didn't realize what a true ministry prayer walking can be.  David and Sandra truly encouraged our efforts to share Jesus in practical ways here in Islington.  Thank you for your prayers!  Cheers!