Friday, November 11, 2011

Hey there Little Red Riding Hood...

It's bananas!

Molly at Faith's fashion designer birthday!
The goody bags were fabric and notions to decorate paper dolls!  So FUn!

Maddie the mail dog

Alice in Wonderland

Abigail's birthday!

I got an email asking what Rook and Molly dressed as for Trunk or Treat at our church...Here it is...They also wanted to see some of my fall decor...The velvet pumpkins were made by my mom and have real pumpkin stems and rice inside.  Even Maddie dog was a mail dog.  Molly's dance class got to dress up too.  Fun, fun, Fun....Psalm 16:11 says, "You have shown me the path to life, and you make me glad by being near to me. Sitting at your right side, I will always be joyful.  Psalm 16:11"  It amazes me that the closer I get to God, the closer He draws me to Himself and on and on...Sometimes it's like feeling sunshine, like a peace in my heart, a joy, it is amazing that He has perfect love for me, even when I mess up, have a dirty floor or haven't cooked or been a good friend. I'm so unworthy!