Sunday, November 27, 2011

Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With String...

The Helpers Wear T-Shirts to Advertise...

Kris and Chad Were Driving the Golf Cart Around the Strip Mall

On the Highway...

On the Store Front

Cathy Stroud and Dondie Decorated the Store Front So Beautifully...Cathy made the tablecloths

This is Rook's Math Teacher, Mrs. Howell, It because of her that He actually likes math now...

In Action...over 70 volunteers the first weekend..

The Hospitality Team makes goodies...even Whoopie Pies!

Dr. Pepper Helped Sponsor Drinks for the month!

More of Cathy's Creations!

The Publicity Team strolls the Parking Lots Inviting People

For 31 days or church is on a local mission trip.  The city of Wylie has provided the church a store front at a local strip mall for the purpose of showing Jesus love in a practical way by wrapping presents free of charge!  There were over 800 packages wrapped the first two days.  There are 4 teams: Hospitality provides baked goods and hot or cold beverages, Publicity hits the parking lots inviting people, Wrappers wrap the presents, Encourager sit and wait at the tables while the families are getting their packages wrapped and talk to the people about Jesus, share their testimony and invite them to church or just listen to the people and make new friends.  Please pray for our church this month and we wait on Christmas, wait on our community and wait on Jesus.  I'm so thankful that I have a creative husband.  Psalm 143:8 says, "Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul."  Thank you Jesus, that I see Kris listening to You as you show him the way he should go...