Monday, October 17, 2011

Little Town...It's a Quiet Village

This is the house where we lived, it was built in 1896.  It is on the national and state register for historic homes.
When we lived there is was blue sister had many a date on that porch...The iside had cherry wood carvings and stain glass windows...

First Baptist Navasota, I could walk there, I learned the books of the Bible songs here from my principal...

Noto's best friend was Sherry Noto...we would ride our bikes here then eat ice cream across the street at the pharmacy...

The Church where my sister was married...It is gorgeous!  A Lot of stained glass..

The Wagon Rim Was our family's restaurant and gift shop
Here are some pics of a little town that I lived from 5th to 7th grades.  It is named Navasota, Texas.  It is beautiful place about an hour from Houston.  It is full of historical buildings and homes.  The railroad came through and it used to be a thriving cotton town. My sister was crowned the "Belle" of Navasota in a pageant there, and received scholarship money.  I'll never forget her tapping around in a top hat and tails! She was also a Diamonette in the drill team...a lot of red lips!  The football team is the "Rattlers" yes, after rattlesnakes...need I say more?  Rook is the age now that I was when we lived there and I wanted them to see my old stomping grounds...Psalm 25:4 " Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow.  Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me.  All day long I put my hope in you."  I'm so thankful to know that even when I was a child, God was directing my path, guiding me gently, teaching me hard lessons, showing me His love...