Friday, September 16, 2011

Lay Me Down On A Bed of Roses...

Joshua, Anna Joy, Jonathan When they were babies

Anna's Portrait in Momma B's House
     I enjoy literature.  I know, the way I blog you'd think that I would be a better writer, oh well, I still love it!  I was studying the Lady of Shalot poem when I got the horrible news that one of my favorite people in the world was stricken with Leukemia in her 8th grade year.  That poem was the inspiration for the hit song, 'If I Die Young'.  Anna Joy Blankenship's birthday was in September along with her 2 brothers.  They were triplets.  Please read their precious mother's book about Anna's life entitled "Draw Near"  it is available online on Amazon or through Barnes and Noble.  It is a precious description of our Savior holding a sweet momma's hand as she battled sickness with her daughter and now reaches out to families as a hospital Chaplin.  A lot of her book is actual excerpts from her personal journal.  The book is written like a narrative.  It will make you laugh out loud and weep all on  the same page.  It is a book of hope from the beginning of Sherry's trouble becoming a mom to struggles of being a mom having a fatally ill child.
The Cover to Momma B.'s book
Card drawn in Anna's Honor...Still In Stores
    Anna still has a huge impact on the world around her.  Not a day goes by that my heart doesn't think of her and smile.  It truly is hard for my heart to write about and put into words what Anna teaches me.  She was a faithful witness at a young age bringing records that talk about Jesus to her kindergarten class.  She hid God's word in her heart at any early age as well and was able to recite it frequently in her time of need whether at a track meet or even under anesthesia. Almost all of the medical staff that had any part of Anna's 18 month hospital stay became believer's in Jesus and were amazed of God's hand on Anna and the peace in her family.  She called me her big sister, having been the baby of my family, that was an honor.  If ever I had a bosom friend and kindred spirit (Anne of Green Gables) it was Anna even though I was 8 years her senior.  Mary Englebright my favorite artist frequently visited Anna in the hospital and drew a card in her honor. She genuinely rejoiced with others, and cared for those around her.  I hope my room in Heaven is next door to hers and I can't wait to hug her neck!

Back Cover to Draw Near